District 6270 Help Wanted Page

Many hands make light work. We can only do what our members can do.

The following roles within our organization are staffed entirely by Rotarians on a volunteer basis, and we urgently need your help to realize our full potential in serving the clubs. By contributing your time and skills, you play a crucial role in achieving economies of scale that benefit all two thousand plus Rotarians in our district. When your efforts support district-wide initiatives, they amplify the impact of our collective work, allowing us to provide more efficient and effective services to each club. Your volunteerism not only strengthens our ability to serve but also fosters a community of shared purpose and mutual support among Rotarians.

Contact the current committee chair, or the district governor to learn more.


Need Position
Need Rotary District Secretary
Need Community Service Committee Chair
Need Community Service Committee Member
Need District Club Development Chair
Need District Membership Committee Chair
Need District Membership Committee Member
Need District Public Image Chair
Need District Public Image Committee Member
Need District Technology Committee Chair
Need District Technology Committee Member
Need District Learning Facilitation Committee Chair
Need District Learning Facilitation Committee Member
Need District Water and Sanitation Committee Chair
Need District Water and Sanitation Committee Member
Need District Rotary Friendship Exchange Chair
Need District Rotary Friendship Exchange Committee Member
Need District Scholarship Committee Chair
Need District Scholarship Committee Member
Need Fellowship Committee Chair
Need Fellowship Committee Member
Need District Grants Committee Chair
Need District Grants Committee Member
Need At-large board Member for Small Clubs (=30 Members)
Need At-large board Member for Medium Clubs (31-60 Members)
Need At-Large Board Member for Large Clubs (60 Members)
Need Finance Committee Chair
Need District International Service Chair
Need International Service Committee Member
Need District Paul Harris Society Coordinator
Need District Youth Protection Officer
Need District Insurance Representative
Need District Council on Legislation Representative
Need District Rotary Peace Fellowships Committee Chair
Need District Rotary Peace Fellowships Committee Member
Need District PolioPlus Committee Chair
Need District PolioPlus Committee Member
Need District Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Chair
Need District Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Member
Need District Rotaract Committee Chair
Need Rotary Youth Exchange Committee Chair
Need Rotary Youth Exchange Committee Member
Need Rotary District Treasurer
Need District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair
Need Major Gifts and Giving Committee Chair
Need Major GiftsGiving Committee Member
Click a position to learn more about it